Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Romeo Du Jour

I went to get something from my car when I happened upon Mr. Haskill another, oh so wonderful, regular dressed in his Sunday best. Mr. Haskill started living at the library about a year ago. He bathes I’m sure at least once a month, does not use deodorant and has no use for a razor or a barber. He does however have a thing for one of the full time librarians, Raylene, who is has kids older than he. While trying to chat up Raylene, he oh so suavely indicates that he is 25 when we already knew he was 18. I don’t think it occurred to him that we have his info on file when he got a library card. I then realized he wanted to make himself look more available to my coworker. He usually comes to the reference desk suavely brushing is greasy hair away from his oily, hairy face wanting works on Voltaire or books about different famous libraries from around the world. He strikes up conversation with assorted teens from time to time and lord knows what he’s telling them. He has also let us know during our special little conversations that we oh so cherish that the only reason that he’s not in school is because it’s not challenging enough for him. What I want to know is how can he afford to hang out at the library all day. After retrieving the item from my car I realized why he might be all dressed up. Dear God. Volunteer Orientation. Oh Crap. We’re so Screwed.

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