Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Address Unkown...Return To Sender

Our Summer Reading program is in full swing. I've noticed that a lot of our teens and tweens lack certain basic skills and knowledge that I believe to be an essential part of well...being.

The most disturbing lack of knowledge that some of these kids are exhibiting is that they couldn't tell me where they lived or how they could be reached by phone. Ummm...you know that would be their home address and home phone number. I'm shocked at how many of these kids don't know their own freakin' address. I mean come on people! I learned that in kindergarten. I had one teen who needed help with the "big" words in her address (Eisenhower). Come on! Eisenhower was a president of the United States of America. Their are just some things that kids should just...know...especially by their teens. I am so glad I will not be reproducing. I wouldn't want my nonexistent kid to have to deal with this type of peer.

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