Saturday, August 14, 2010

The End of the Summer Reading Programs

Our Summer Reading Programs, of which there are four separate programs, are almost over. We have had nine weeks, nine freaking weeks of SRP. The first six flew by but the last week seems to be taking forever... A man asked me what happened after our Summer Reading Programs ended. How do you answer that question without making the guy look like an imbecile? I mean really. What happens after SRP ends. Well, buddy it all stops. No more having to look up your registration card, no more having to tally how many books you read or may have lied about reading, no more having to wait while you sift through all of the incentives. No more having to deal with your whiny, complaining butt until next year. No more having to deal with the hordes of children and the misbehaving parents and I shout Yay!

The Library staff will celebrate with alcohol this year.

It has been a long SRP.

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