Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Demented Miss D and the Phone Number Conspiracy

The Demented Miss D is at it again. This is a woman who in the past has talked to dead fish. She never shuts up and now is making less and less sense. I worked along side her at the circ desk this afternoon for about an hour and a half. There were a few times when the desk was free of patrons and I would have to walk away for a minute or two to take some deep cleansing breaths. My blood pressure always spikes when I'm in earshot of the sound of her voice. Today a jovial patron is on his way out when he leans over the counter and says "Did you know that the last four digits of your phone number is the number of feet in a mile?" OH DEAR GOD this tidbit of trivia fires up Miss D and in true dementia form she stalks over to the Reference Desk to see if it is true. Unfortunately, it is true and she could not get her mind off the whole concept. Then the barrage of questions ensued - for example: " Why would the library sytem do something like that?" and "Do you think the people at administration did that on purpose?"or "What about are other branches? Do you think they would have done something like this to them?" As if it was a freakin' conspiracy. At the end of the day all I could do was crawl into the fetal position and whimper.

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