Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Stupid Reference Questions

This week of all weeks I feel should be national stupid question week. So far we have had people come in and ask for books on these subjects:

Do you have a biography of turkey?
I need a book on the 50 states of Idaho.
Do you have a book about Degas. ( pronounced like Vegas)
Do you have a copy of the Davincia Code?
Ummn do you have a book on Romans in the USA?
Do you have that new book Sleeping Dolls by Jeffery Dahmer (Deaver)
What part of France is Spain located?

Although there have been some great ones thorought the years:

I need a book on how concrete dries. (Science Project)

Kid came in wanting a book on Africa so that he could look up Siberian Tigers. It took him a while to figure the obvious out.

I had a woman who didn't know that Kentucky was a State of the Union. She thought it was only a type of fried chicken.

Another woman requested materials on how to train her dog. I handed her a book titled The Canine Good Citizen: Every Dog Can Be One by Joachim Volhard for her perusal, she handed it back to me and said " I don't have one of those!" She didn't know that canine is other word for DOG.

I had a patron that was convinced that New England was still a part of Great Brittian.

A staff member had a guy who was convinced that Forrest Gump was a real person not a fictional character and wanted to know when he was presented with his congressional metal of honor.

Another patron we affectionatly refer to as "Rose Red" was convinced that the character Ellen Rimbauer depicted in Television Mini series Rose Red by Stephen King was an actual person and wanted her biography.

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