Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Comb Overs

Sometimes I just don't understand fashion.

Be it Lady Gaga and her meat dress or those earrings that make the holes in people's ear lobes larger. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense. Lately I've seen a disturbing trend in hair for teens. I've seen boys and girls sporting a comb overs. Yes, you read that correctly... comb overs. Unlike a traditional comb over the teen comb over starts with taking a swath of hair from just over the ear and dragging it across the forehead kinda like a head band and securing it with a bobby pin or hair clip and from the odor, a lot of hairspray. My father used to sport a really bad comb over for many years. When I say bad, I mean really awful but, you could kind of reason out why he to tried badly disguise his balding head by artfully combing over the remaining fifty hairs on the upper portion of his head with aqua net to form a helmet o' lacquer. I wonder however why a teen would do it. It's just not attractive. I have only three reasons why I think someone would sport a comb over (other than the obvious);

1. A big zit or pimple on the forehead

2. to hide a tat

3. to hide a Charles Manson carving on his/her forehead

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